Monday, July 4, 2011

You know...I have been riding for about 6 years now...and I think I have gotten hurt more in the past week on my BMX bike, than I have in the entire 6 years on my MTB.  I finally gave up yesterday, took my own advice, and decided to wear shin guards. Yeah...I was bunny hopping over something and slipped a pedal again, for the 5,000th time. Talk about PAIN!!!  I looked down and saw a hole in my shin.  Probably needed stitches, but how do you sew up a hole??  Anyway, it took me about an hour to recover from that little incident. The pain and the blood made me super nauseous. to give credit to those BMXers, they are some tough riders!    

So after being beat up all week, I was more than happy to leave the BMX bike behind and head to Alafia.  I got on my MTB today... and I felt like I was floating.  Then... I was flying.  Flying over the handle bars that is, on one of the downhills on Roller Coaster.  That HURT!!   I ended up hitting my knee on a cinder block and added 2 more boo boos to my hideous collection.   Other than that, it was a good ride.  Happy 4th!!


RON said...

nice photo of bridges

racer girl said...

how does the new seat feel thinking about a wtb seat for my bike

DIRT GIRL said...

looking fast in that picture

Madison said...

hi racer girl! so far, this is what i think about the seat. i do like the feel and also the shape. it has a narrow nose which will make climbing easier. i have the wtb silverado saddle with the cool stop watch on it, but they also have alot of other ones. because you are a racer, you may also like the valcon or the deva. check them all out.