Friday, April 22, 2011

Beach and Speech

Beach today, speech tomorrow.  I don't know how much riding I will get in this weekend.  I not only have to prepare a speech, I have to pretty much memorize it by Monday .  I was only given a 4 day notice, but what can you do??  This year for the Tropicana Speech I will be doing it on Endurance Racing.  I'm hoping to grab the audience's attention with some important lessons I've learned when racing. Hope I can pull this one off with such short notice. I'm not sure you know this about me or not, but everything has to be perfect, ALWAYS!      So...most likely after I write my speech, I will have my sister video tape it about 5,000 times, then I will probably stress myself out until it's 100% perfect.  And then and only then will I be satisfied.  Yeah, it's going to be a long weekend!!  Hope the Easter Bunny brings me lots of candy, I'm going to need the brain food.       

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