Sunday, May 15, 2011

We knew IT was coming

We watched the news lady, we knew IT was coming.  But... we decided to go on our camping trip anyway.  So, we packed up and headed to Alafia.  On the way, we stopped off at Boyette for an awesome 16 mile ride.  After our ride, the clouds started to form and the wind started to pick up, we knew IT was coming.  So, we got in the car and headed to Alafia.  

As soon as we got to Alafia, we decided to set up camp before IT came. Well... thank goodness nobody was watching us put up the tent (at least I hope nobody was watching) because we looked really stupid!!  It was so windy, every time my Dad tried to put a pole in, the thing would take off like a kite.  So, normally he could put it up in about 15 minutes, this time I think it took him about an hour. After that, we roasted some hot dogs on the grill, ate lunch and then... IT came.  Yes, when I say IT, I'm talking about the crazy thunder storms. We were stuck in the tent and had to close all of the flaps, so we wouldn't get soaked.  And...the wind was so strong I thought we were going to take off, like what's her name in the Wizard of Oz.  Of course, it wasn't one of those quick rains.  It lasted, I don't know, about 3 hours, I guess.  By that time, we were so over it...especially my Mom.  We knew the trails would be a disaster, so we packed up and went home.  After a hot shower and some chicken noodle soup we still camped out, only this this time it was in our living room.  Good thing we went home because the crazy rains came back that night.      

What do you do when you are stuck in a tent for 3 hours??... You harrass your Dad!!


RON said...

kill dad

Anonymous said...

rain sucks

Anonymous said...

nice post