Friday, April 10, 2009

Hanna Rocks

...and I'm not talking about Hannah Montana!!! We left for Jacksonville on Wednesday. After a 4 hour drive, we finally arrived at the park and my sister and I were full of energy. I have raced here before, but never had the chance to check out the entire park including the beach. Before setting up camp, we put on our riding gear and headed for the trails. We started off on Switchback, then into misery. Over the next two days, we ended up riding every single trail, some 2 times and put in about 27 miles. My sister was awesome, she did all of the trails too!

Treats and watching the sunset on our first day of riding

OK....Let me tell you about this!! We decided to walk to the beach from our campsite. My Dad took us through a trail on the back side of a sand dune. At the time, we had fun running up it, but on the way down I stepped on something that looked like this. I must of had about a million little poky things in my foot, it hurt soooo bad!! After getting all those little things out, we noticed this sign. Won't do that again!

Here I am finally making a climb that I was not able to make on the first day. I can't remember what trail we were on, maybe Grunt?

Look at this cool snake my Dad found while taking down the tent. He must have spent the night with us under the tarp.

After getting lost in downtown Jacksonville, we decided to go to Ron Jon's. It was a very long drive, but it was worth it. I got some really cool stuff.

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