Sunday, November 16, 2008

FSC #6 Alva, FL.

November 15, 2008
Practice Day:
I have two words for this course...FLAT and BORING!!
November 16, 2008
Race Day:
Today, I was happy that I had an easy course, I didn't sleep at all the night before. I had a really bad cold and cough. Even though I was not feeling well, I still wanted to race. I started out OK. I had to do 2 laps so, I knew I had to pace myself and save my energy when needed. I passed 2 boys on my first lap while I.B. followed very close behind me. I.B. passed me going down a small hill while I was stuck behind a couple boys. Then, shortly after I was able to pass her and 2 more boys. Finally, I had a good lead and came in 1st place. After the race I was dying!! I felt awful and had to lay in the grass for a little while to recover.

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