Thursday, November 11, 2010

Am I Ready???

Yes, I will be racing this weekend. Am I ready?...who knows!! Don't laugh, but my weekday training consists of: racing around a pond and sprints with my Mom (she's not as slow as she looks). I had to pick a sport that is the hardest to get any practice. It's not like soccer where you have to practice 3 times a week in a field a mile away. For me to get any practice, I have to drive an hour, which is impossible because I can't drive and my Dad doesn't get home until 8:00. So for now... I will have to stick with pond racing and sprints and hope for the best. And oh yeah, I hate the trainer in the garage. Pure torture!!


rider girl said...

stay positive any riding is good riding

RON said...

keep it fun and youll get where you want in time.

Anonymous said...

your doing it right keep it fun and keep riding tech trails,they are the hardest to learn, and work on the basics . braking ,cornering. As you get older you'll get faster and can add harder intervals.

Anonymous said...

new format lake racing/